QDRO gold

Do it Yourself QDRO Documents

Email and Limited Phone Support

Everything that QDRO Silver provides plus limited phone support (30 Minutes) with a live QDRO expert to assist you in providing the information we need to prepare your QDRO/EDRO/DRO for you.

Easy Full Support

Access to our Data Entry Portal

If you would like to get started right away you can use our Data Entry Portal. This portal allows you to enter and save the data as it becomes available. Go thru the process initially and enter in the information you have, come back later with the information you don't have readily available. If you have questions along the way, email or call us and we will be glad to fill in the information for you.

If you need more help . . . Upgrade

With QDRO Plus you have all the tools you need to create a plan specific QDRO/EDRO/DRO order. If you get stuck and need some questions answered you can always upgrade to another plan with a small upgrade fee of $25.00 and the difference in the cost of the plan you choose.

Let us do the whole job for you.

Just send us a copy or your divorce decree/judgment and a copy of your retirement plan account statement. With those 2 documents we can get your QDRO started.

QDRO Gold program

Get started today with the Data Entry Portal, login and get started, or just email us at order@diy-qdro.com with your divorce decree and/or retirement account statement.

Clients say

I started with one of the less expensive programs and needed some more assitance, I did a quick upgrade and got all my questions answered immediately.

Jessica Priston, Client

Using the web portal was so easy it did'nt even feel like a difficult process. The questions were easy and I was done in no time.

Patrick Pool, Client